Symmetric cryptography
Symmetric Cryptography
Here we will demonstrate some of the features of the OpenSSL library for performing symmetric key cryptography.
List of options for an algorithm
Encrypt a file
We are going to encrypt a file (image.jpg), with a key, generated from a passphrase (a password selected by the user, which will be converted to a 128-bit secret key, using an algorithm called PBKDF2):
Decrypt a file
Let's now decrypt a file (image.aes.jpg) and recover the original format (image.orig.jpg).
Ciphering and deciphering an image
It is intended that in this activity you can use symmetric key cryptography to encrypt an image using different modes of operation (ECB and CBC). In order to perform this activity you will have to get an uncompressed image (using for example Windows Bitmap (.bmp) format), in which you will have to separate the header from the image data (body). You can choose any image on the Web or you can create your own. Don't forget that it has to be of the BMP type. It is preferable to use an image with high color contrast, for a better visual effect.
I have a sample image that might be used to do this -> tux bitmap image.
As a note to help you with this task, in order to separate the header from the image data (body), you can use the following commands:
If by any change you are not able to do a head
and a tail
on a file, you can find the tux file header here and the body here.
We will generate a random key to be able to encrypt the image:
We will encrypt the image using ECB mode (we use the random key obtained in the previous step):
After you have encrypted the image data (body), you can re-attach the header to get the image in the full format:
We are going to cipher the image now with CBC mode. For this mode we need to use an IV. To create this IV we can generate it randomly:
We will encrypt the image using CBC mode (we use the random key obtained in the previous step and the IV):
After you have encrypted the image data (body), you can re-attach the header to get the image in the full format:
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